MonoCrystalline PV modules

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PolyCrystalline PV modules

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BIPV Modules

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Solar Bankers plans 300 MW production of its new concentrated solar module
(Date: 2013-01-30)
Currently, Solar Bankers and its affiliate Apollon have created a prototype of the new module, which has already been patented in the U.S.

As opposed to using mirrors or lenses, the concentrated technology employs a holographic optic, printed on the cover glass. The distance between the optic and silicon solar cell is said to only be a few millimeters, while the amount of silicon in the module is said to equal less than 3%.

"The printing process allows a [sic] economical duplication and simultaneously saves laser and development work, usually necessary when using holographic elements," explains Alfred Jost, president of Solar Bankers.

He adds, "In contrast to other concentrator modules the distance between optic and solar cell is only a few millimeters and filters only the desirable wavelengths of the light. The sunlight is then concentrated on the solar cells. Thanks to this specific wavelength selection, we avoid overheating issues usually generated by concentrated technologies which are today the source of significant efficiency losses."

Overall, a spokesperson tells pv magazine the target is to create a solar module with 28 to 38% efficiency. However, the efficiencies depend on the solar cells used.

"Since we used standard solar cells in the prototype, it has an efficiency of 16%," says the spokesperson. Regarding the higher efficiencies, they add, "On the one hand the 28% come from the use of a high efficient solar cell and on the other hand we treat desirable and undesirable wavelengths differently. Desirable wavelengths (visible light) will be bend [sic] and concentrated on the silicon solar cell. Undesirable wavelengths (for silicon solar cells) will be bend [sic] on another solar cell, which can convert the heat portion into electricity. With this combination we reach the efficiency of 28%."

Solar Bankers and Apollon have said they intend to establish production in either Germany or the U.S. this year, which will create 500 jobs. The 300 MW capacity is expected to be reached 18 to 24 months after ramp up, continues the spokesperson, while standard equipment already available on the market will be used. They add that Solar Bankers will invest around US$200 million in the facility.

They declined to go into specifics regarding production costs, simply stating, "Our production costs are below the production costs of the Chinese manufacturers."

Overall, markets along the sunbelt will be targeted, specifically, MENA and GCC. The spokesperson says that letters of intent have already been signed for these regions.
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Atone Energy is promoting clean power by using solar energy. Nowadays increasing greenhouse emmission is deteriorating and making the world very suffocating place to humanbeings. Thus, in this sutuation cleaner and greener world is today's need. By looking at the facts we are encouraged to bring change in the world by solar.which is clean/green technology and the energy free from greenhouse gases.

Enviroment is our life we are creating awareness for making the green world by using clean solar energy and energy efficient equipment.
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